Liquid Fertilizer/ 花妍美 Go Color 601 (Special for Flower Blooming and Color Enhancement)

**產品適用於植保機 & Applicable with Agricultural Drones**




Go Color 601 is a specialized liquid fertilizer developed for flowering plants, suitable for all flower crops.

Based on a specific nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (N-P-K) formula required for flower development, it includes special nutrients that effectively increase the number of buds and delay stem aging.

This results in abundant blooming, vibrant colors, and extended flower longevity, reducing petal drop during the flowering period.
1. 增加花蕾的數量。
2. 開花蓬勃。
3. 花瓣色彩鮮豔。
4. 延緩花梗老化。
5. 延長花期,花朵不易掉落。


1, 任何類型的花卉
2. 對於空氣蘭,稀釋2000倍或更多,噴灑在空氣根上,每15到20天使用一次。
3. 對於非蘭花植物,在新葉長出後,稀釋2000倍用於噴灑葉片;或稀釋1000倍用於根部澆水;如果植物已經開花,請稀釋1000倍用於根部澆水,每15到20天使用一次。
4. 使用量可根據天氣、土壤濕度和植物生長狀況進行調整。


Product Effect:
1. Increase the numbers of flower buds.
2. Flowering is vigorous.
3. The petals are brightly colored.
4. Delay the pedicels aging.
5. Extend the flowering period and flowers are not ease to drop.

Applicable crops: Any type of flowers

Method of Use:
Any type of flowers.
1. For epiphytic orchids, dilute 2000 times or more and spray on the aerial roots, and apply once every 15 to 20 days.
2. For non-orchid plants, after the new leaves have grown, diluted 2000 times for spraying leaves; or 1000 times for root watering; If the plant has already bloomed, please dilute 1000 times for root watering, and apply once every 15 to 20 days.
3. The used amount can be adjusted according to the weather, soil moisture, and plant growth status.

**Do not use this product in sunlight and high temperature environment; avoid transpiration effects to affect plant growth.
**When spraying the leaves, be sure to dilute the solution according to the specified dilution ratio to prevent fertilizer burns on leaves.


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