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Biomethane, also known as renewable natural gas, is a sustainable and renewable form of energy that is produced from organic waste materials, such as agricultural waste, food waste, and sewage sludge. Biomethane can be used as a replacement for fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy.
- 廠商名稱台灣瑞曼迪斯股份有限公司
The fermentation process in biogas plants takes place in insulated, airtight and
heated fermentation tanks - the so-called digesters. These are regularly "fed" with
fresh biomass.
The bacteria in the digester convert the biomass into biogas and the fermentation
The size, number and capacity of each component is mainly connected to the volume
and type of waste used and the customer´s choice how to use the biogas and what
ways of digestate resp. fertilizer usage are locally marketable.