亞洲最大 SMART 5合1 智慧農漁畜暨冷鏈產業展與會議  



Environmental Data Analytics and Farm Management System

We offer services for analyzing regional historical climate trends, developing crop growth period prediction models, and creating pest and disease prediction models. These services help users understand environmental data to better manage fieldwork.
(The images illustrate historical environmental data for rice, yield predictions for different production areas, and forecasts for various environmental disasters and pest infestations.)
Historical Climate Trend Analysis Report: Using historical data on temperature and rainfall, we create visual charts to help farmers understand regional climate change trends and develop strategies to respond effectively.

Growth Period Prediction Model: With over three years of crop growth period data, we can help you build a prediction model. Once established, you can set up a cultivation calendar, and the system will update predictions based on growth periods, helping you manage future work schedules efficiently.

Pest and Disease Prediction Model: If you have over three years of specific pest and disease data, we can help you create a prediction model. Once in place, the system will send automated pest and disease alerts through notifications.

Integration with Central Weather Bureau Stations: This feature allows users to view real-time environmental climate data and receive alerts via LINE Notify based on data from nearby Central Weather Bureau stations.

Historical Data and Reports: The platform allows users to view up to one year of weather station data. The "Data Report" function provides comprehensive insights into cumulative rainfall, sunshine, and daily temperature variations.

Complete Planting Records: We provide tools for documenting the entire planting process, allowing users to upload photos and add text notes. These records can be used for future analysis and marketing, helping to connect producers with consumers.

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