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HGT華剛傳誦-梨紅佳人|LiShan (Estate) Alpine Black Tea
產季 / 夏末秋初
產地 / 大梨山地區
海拔 / 1700至2100公尺
香氣 / 特殊高山烏龍高雅花果香及獨特木質、熟果甜香
滋味 / 茶湯溫潤綿密,甘醇滑順,香甜滋味極為特殊
工藝 / 重氧化,輕烘焙
Plantation / Lishan mountain
Elevation / 1700 - 2100 m
Season / Late summer and early autumn
Aroma / Special alpine oolong elegant floral and fruity aroma
And unique woody, ripe fruit sweet aroma
Taste / The tea soup is moist and dense, smooth and smooth, with a very special sweet taste
Cultivar / Chin Shin Oolong
Shape / Twisted
Heavy Oxidation, light Roasting
- 廠商名稱華剛茶業有限公司
Lishan high-cold black tea is a Chinshin oolong cultivar grown in the Lishan region. The harvest is rare and precious. Located high in the mountains, surrounded by clouds and mist, there is a large temperature difference between day and night. The tea leaves are thick and rich in pectin, and the tea leaves are bitten by small green leafhoppers.
With the unique, natural honey and sweet fruit aromas combined with the smooth throat feel of black tea, the tea soup is both warm, mellow and refreshing.