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長效木纖素 Long-Lasting Wood Fiber Decomposition


因應法規禁止農業剩餘資材露燃行為,選用天然本土微生物對枝條進行現地分解,可加快纖維素分解速率 40-50%,加速有機質和礦物質養分轉化達到還肥於田、增加土壤通透性或作為栽培介質使用。
根據台灣空污排放量清冊 (TEDS) 提供之燃燒負荷係數,每公頃果園每年會產生約 24 至 40 公噸之木質剩餘資材,每公噸木質剩餘資材燃燒將造成至少 2.2 公噸二氧化碳之排放,因此每公頃果園每年之木質剩餘資材燃燒將造成約 53 至 88 公噸之二氧化碳排放。

【Derived from natural indigenous microorganisms in Taiwan (non-chemical formulations or acids)】
【Effectively decomposes agricultural waste and returns them to the field as organic fertilizer】

In response to regulations prohibiting the open burning of agricultural residues, natural indigenous microorganisms are selected to decompose branches on-site, which can accelerate the rate of cellulose decomposition by 40-50%. This speeds up the transformation of organic and mineral nutrients to return fertility to the fields, and increase soil permeability, or have the organic and mineral nutrients be used as a cultivation medium.
According to the Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS) emission inventory, each hectare of orchard generates approximately 24-40 metric tons of woody residues annually. Burning one metric ton of woody residue results in at least 2.2 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, burning woody residues from each hectare of orchard annually results in approximately 53-88 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
The burning of agricultural residues produces a large amount of greenhouse gases and contributes to air pollution. By using decomposing bacteria for on-site decomposition and returning residues to the field instead of burning them, greenhouse gas emissions can be effectively reduced. Additionally, converting residues into soil amendments helps plant growth and can sequester carbon in agricultural soils, having a positive impact to the carbon cycle.
農業部臺中區農業改良場111年技轉:木黴菌TCT-P001應用於農業生產剩餘物質分解之配方 (農中改農推字第1112944312號)

【廠牌商品名稱】時代牌 - 長效木纖素
【登記成分】:全氮(N):2.0 %、全磷酐(P2O5):2.0 %、全氧化鉀(K2O):2.0 %、有機質:60.0%

【Ingredients and Sources】:Corn flour, wheat flour, soybean powder, seaweed extract, chitosan, ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate, monopotassium phosphate, sugar.

【Registered Components】:Total Nitrogen (N): 2.0%, Total Phosphorus Pentoxide (P₂O₅): 2.0%, Total Potassium Oxide (K₂O): 2.0%, Organic Matter: 60.0%.

【Form】: Solid powder.

【pH Value】:6.

【Package Weight】:500 grams.


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