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農大師 - 甜果寶 Agricultural Master - Water Soluble Fertilizer for Foliar Application

時代 4 大好用推薦:

1. 本產品使用高純度農業級和食品級原料,分子小易吸收

2. 添加有機質、微生物菌、海藻精與數種胺基酸,使用高級原料給您的作物高級享受

3. 產品不含氯,忌氯作物可以放心使用

4. 液態肥料容易稀釋,不用溶解就可噴灑灌根(需稀釋),方便好用,讓您施肥沒負擔


1. 調整氮磷鉀的配方,並增加其他營養元素及微量元素的配比,讓您的果實又甜又好吃

2. 添加數種微生物菌,幫助溶解土壤中不被農作物吸收的營養元素,有效提高土壤肥力

3. 成分使用螯合物,加強結果期肥份吸收,有效提高果實甜度及品質

◼ 本產品 農大師甜果寶 246 使用高純度農業級和食品級原料,分子小易吸收, 內含三大元素、次量元素、微量元素,胺基酸、海藻精,酵素和多種微生物菌,是一款可以讓果實增甜、提高果實品質的產品。

◼ 農大師甜果寶 246 液態肥中數種微生物菌、胺基酸、海藻精和酵素,可以把農大師甜果寶246液肥中內含的營養元素,經過螯合變成螯合物,讓農作物對肥份更好吸收,肥效利用率更高,進而提高農產品的產量和品質。

◼ 農大師甜果寶 246 施用後可以均勻的分布在葉面或土壤上,以噴施或灌根法施肥,快速的補充到養份,可使果實增甜,風味提升,提高果實品質,本產品不含氯,忌氯作物也可放心使用。

4 Reasons to choose:【Agricultural Master - Water Soluble Fertilizer for Foliar Application】

1. This product uses high-purity agricultural-grade and food-grade ingredients, with small molecules that are easy to be absorbed.
2. Enriched with organic matters, microorganisms, seaweed extract, and several amino acids, providing premium nutrients for your crops
3. The product is chlorine-free, making it safe for chlorine-sensitive crops.
4. The liquid fertilizer is easy to dilute and can be sprayed or applied to roots without the need for dissolving (dilution required), offering convenience and ease of use, making fertilization hassle-free.

Benefits of【Agricultural Master - Water Soluble Fertilizer for Foliar Application】:

1. The formula for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium has been adjusted, with an increased ratio of other nutrients and trace elements, to make your fruits sweeter and tastier.
2. Several microorganisms have been added to help dissolve nutrients in the soil that crops cannot absorb, effectively enhancing soil fertility.
3. Chelated compounds are used to enhance nutrient absorption during the fruiting period, effectively increasing the sweetness and quality of the fruit.

◼This product, 【Agricultural Master - Water Soluble Fertilizer for Foliar Application】, uses high-purity agricultural-grade and food-grade ingredients with small molecules that are easy to absorb. It contains the three primary elements, secondary elements, trace elements, amino acids, seaweed extract, enzymes, and various microorganisms. It is designed to sweeten fruits and improve their quality.

◼ The liquid fertilizer 【Agricultural Master - Water Soluble Fertilizer for Foliar Application】 includes various microorganisms, amino acids, seaweed extract, and enzymes. These ingredients help chelate the nutrients in the fertilizer, making them more easily absorbed by crops, thereby increasing the efficiency of the fertilizer and enhancing the yield and quality of agricultural products.

◼ After applying 【Agricultural Master - Water Soluble Fertilizer for Foliar Application】, it can be evenly distributed on the leaf surface or soil through spraying or root application, quickly supplementing nutrients. This can sweeten fruits, enhance flavor, and improve fruit quality. The product is chlorine-free, making it safe for chlorine-sensitive crops.
【肥料品目】:液態雜項有機質肥料 5-14
【肥料登記證字號 】:肥製(質)字第 0681005 號
【廠牌商品名稱】:時代牌 - 農大師甜果寶
【登記成分】:全氮 2%、全磷酐 4%、全氧化鉀 6%、有機質 14%、水溶性硼 0.10%、水溶性鉬 0.01%
【使用方法】:果樹、瓜果類 7 ~ 10 天施用一次,葉面噴灑稀釋 600 ~ 800 倍,灌根澆灌稀釋 400 ~ 500 倍。施用時根據農作物養分狀況或天氣變化等情況酌予自行調整
【使用量】:果樹、瓜果類全期使用 4 ~ 6 次

【Brand/Product Name】:Agricultural Master - Water Soluble Fertilizer for Foliar Application

【Ingredients and Sources】: Ammonium nitrate, monopotassium phosphate, potassium sulfate, seaweed extract, soluble boron, magnesium sulfate, ammonium molybdate, feather amino acids, potassium humate, molasses

【Registered Components】: Total Nitrogen (N) 2%, Total Phosphorus Pentoxide (P₂O₅) 4%, Total Potassium Oxide (K₂O) 6%, Organic Matter 14%, Water-Soluble Boron 0.10%, Water-Soluble Molybdenum 0.01%

【Usage Instructions】:For fruit trees and melons/fruits, apply once every 7 to 10 days. Dilute 600 to 800 times for foliar spraying, and 400 to 500 times for root irrigation. Adjust the application based on the crop’s nutrient status or changes in weather conditions as needed.

【Usage Frequency】: Apply 4 to 6 times throughout the growth period for fruit trees and melons/fruits.


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