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HGT華剛傳誦-漫步杉林溪|Sun-Link-Sea Alpine Oolong Tea
產季 / 春、冬
產地 / 臺灣南投杉林溪
海拔 / 1500至1900公尺
香氣 / 清香甘冽,質香韻醇
滋味 / 甜中帶甘,口感濃稠,潤喉滑順,喉韻極佳
工藝 / 輕氧化,無烘焙
Plantation / Shanlinxi (Nantou)
Elevation / 1500 - 1900 m
Season / Spring, Winter
Aroma / Lightly fragrant and chilly with an aromatic and mellow base note
Taste / Sweet, thick and smooth mouthfeel, with excellent aftertaste
Cultivar / Chin Shin Oolong
Shape / Bolled
Light oxidation, none roasting
- 廠商名稱華剛茶業有限公司
Originates from the Nantou Gaoleng Shanlinxi tea region in Central Taiwan. The place has short sunshine duration, is foggy, and is blessed with fertile soil, moderate rain and minimum human pollution, allowing the tea trees to absorb the alpine’s unique mountainous atmosphere throughout the year. The leaves are soft and moist. The tea liquid is clear and honey-green in color, smells lightly fragrant with a chill aroma; it has a smooth and mellow mouthfeel, a refreshing and strong taste and sweet lingering aftertaste.