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HGT華剛傳誦-臺灣高山紅|Taiwan Alpine Black Tea
產季 / 夏、秋
產地 / 臺灣嘉義阿里山一帶
海拔 / 1000 至1300公尺
香氣 / 木質花果香,多挾帶獨特之高山花氣
滋味 / 細緻鮮甜,口感滑順厚實,餘韻濃郁回甘
工藝 / 重氧化度,輕烘焙
Plantation / Alishan region (Chiayi)
Elevation / 1000 - 1300m
Season / Summer, autumn
Aroma / Woody aroma, mostly with unique alpine floral aroma
Taste / Delicate, sweet, smooth and thick mouthfeel, with strong lingering aftertaste
Cultivar / Chin Shin Oolong
Shape / Twisted
Heavy oxidation, light roasting
- 廠商名稱華剛茶業有限公司
適用沖泡溫度:85–95℃,前兩泡建議以 85℃沖泡,第三泡後水溫可逐泡稍微增加。
Originates from Alishan alpine tea region in Southern Taiwan, and is a fully fermented small-leaved black tea using a professional tea processing technique. It has a gentle mouthfeel, distinctive fruity flavor, orange-red and clear color, with a woody and sweet floral aroma. It tastes delicate and sweet, has a smooth mouthfeel, and a unique ability to remove bitterness. Alishan’s distinctive terroir brings out the strong characteristics of oriental Oolong tea. Best brewing temperature: 85-95°C. 80-90°C is recommended for the first two brews. Gradually increase the temperature after the third brew.