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HGT華剛傳誦-凍頂烏龍|Selected Dong-Ding Oolong Tea
產季 / 春、冬
產地 / 臺灣南投鹿谷
海拔 / 700 至1000公尺
香氣 / 特殊發酵熟果香與手工烘焙烤米香,韻味十足
滋味 / 茶質厚重,茶湯滋味濃郁甘醇
工藝 / 中氧化度,中重烘焙度
Plantation / Lugu (Nantou)
Elevation / 700 - 1000m
Season / Spring, winter
Aroma / Unique fermented ripe fruity aroma and hand-roasted rice scent
Taste / Thick tea quality with rich and sweet flavor
Cultivar / Chin Shin Oolong
Shape / Bolled
Medium oxidation, Mid-heavy roast
- 廠商名稱華剛茶業有限公司
Originates from Nantou County’s Lugu Township in Central Taiwan, and is the pioneer of Taiwan’s alpine tea. The largest and most credible grand appraisal event of Taiwan’s Competition Tea is organized by Lugu Township Farmer’s Association. Hwa Gung Tea was the first-ever to win a double grand prize (i.e. having two participants winning the first grand prize, leaving the second place vacant) in 1979, since the launching of the competition tea appraisal. In 2006, Hwa Gung Tea once again won the grand prize in the Winter Tea Competition organized by Lugu Township Farmer’s Association. Its tea processing technique and experience are widely recognized by the tea industry.
The exclusive traditional process, which involves a mid-heavy fermentation technique, ancient tumbling, stirring, accompanied by hand-roasting, gave rise to the mellow and multi-level aftertaste featuring rich fruity and sweet aroma of roast sugar cane.