HGT華剛傳誦-日月潭紅玉|Sun-Moon-Lake Ruby Black Tea

日月潭紅玉紅茶 25g
產季 / 夏、秋
產地 / 臺灣南投魚池
海拔 / 600 至800公尺
香氣 / 熟果香中挾帶肉桂與蘭花香,層次多而豐富
滋味 / 溫潤厚實濃郁,飲後回甘滿溢
工藝 / 重氧化度,無烘焙
Plantation / Yuchi (Nantou)
Elevation / 600 - 800m
Season / Summer, autumn
Aroma / Rich and multi-layered with a ripe fruity aroma and hint of cinnamon and orchid fragrance
Taste / Smooth, mellow and rich with strong aftertaste
Cultivar / Hongyu, Taiwan Tea No. 18
Shape / Twisted
Heavy oxidation, none roasting
產自於臺灣中部地區之南投縣魚池鄉,近年來馳名國際的臺灣獨有紅茶種類,品種為臺灣野生山茶與大葉種紅茶配種而成的臺茶 18 號,特色為同時呈現薄荷香、肉桂香與蘭花香。茶湯紅艷清透,滋味甘甜順口,風味醇厚,喉韻濃潤。採收後經靜置、揉捻、解塊、發酵、乾燥等繁複手續,以全氧化製作出香氣十足,飽滿回甘之茶品。適用沖泡溫度:85–95℃,前兩泡建議以 85℃沖泡,第三泡後水溫可逐泡稍微增加。
Originates from Nantou County’s Yuchi Township in Central Taiwan. In recent years, the world famous Taiwan’s exclusive black tea category is a cross-breed cultivar between Taiwan Wild Camellia and large-leave black tea, called Taiwan Cultivar No. 18. The characteristic of this cultivar is that it emits mint, cinnamon and orchid fragrance concurrently. The tea is red and clear, tastes sweet and smooth, and has a mellow flavor and strong aftertaste. After harvesting, the leaves go through complex procedures including settling, kneading, deblocking, fermenting, drying, etc. Complete oxidation is then carried out to produce the fully aromatic and sweet tea.
Best brewing temperature: 85-95°C. 80-90°C is recommended for the first two brews. Gradually increase the temperature after the third brew.


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