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HGT華剛傳誦-客家美人|Hakka Oriental Beaty Oolong Tea

東方美人茶(白毫烏龍茶) 25g
產季 / 夏
產地 / 臺灣桃園、新竹、苗栗、坪林、石碇
海拔 / 300 至 900公尺
香氣 / 濃郁蜜香與熟果味
滋味 / 層次豐富,厚實飽滿
工藝 / 重氧化度,無烘焙
Plantation /Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Pinglin, Shiding
Elevation / 300 - 900m
Season / Summer
Aroma / Strong honey and ripen fruit aroma
Taste / Multi-layered thick and full flavor
Cultivar / Chin Shin Oolong
Shape / Twisted
Heavy oxidation, none roasting
前兩泡建議以 85–90℃沖泡,第三泡後水溫可稍微逐泡增加。
Originates from the tea region in Northern Taiwan. Today, the main places of production include Taoyuan City, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County and New Taipei City’s Pinglin and Shiding. As the silver tips (Bai Hao) of its tea buds are very obvious, it is also called Bai Hao Oolong Tea. It has the heaviest oxidation degree among semi-oxidized Oolong Tea. As almost more than half of the catechin is oxidized, it does not produce any grassy odor. Oriental Beauty Tea has to be harvested in the hot summer, during June and July, between the solar terms of Mangzhong and Dashu, of the Lunar calendar. The tea leaf has plump silver tips, and the leaf body has five colors: white, green, yellow, red and brown. It has a rich honey aroma and ripe fruit taste, and is reputed as Oriental Beauty by western tea lovers.
The distinctive ripe fruit and honey aroma is due to the bites of tea jassids (Jacobiasca formosana), known as their “saliva”. The quality of the tea leaves depends on the degree of the “saliva” and the balance of the aroma and mouthfeel.
80-90°C is recommended for the first two brews. Gradually increase the temperature after the third brew.


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