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驅蟲精靈Fruit Fly Control Fairy
After application, it forms a thin film that prevents pesticide loss, effectively repelling pests and also preventing them from laying eggs on crops. It can be mixed with other pesticides to double the repellent effect.
- 廠商名稱翔鈴環保科技開發股份有限公司
🔹Prevent Ovipositing from Fruit Flies and Bactrocera.
🔹Generate Membrane on The Corps Surface to Avoid Losing Fertilizer and Pesticide.
🔹Essential Oil Ingredient to Prevent Pest.
🔹Excellent Ductility, Permeability, and Adhesion.
🔹Blended Pesticides Can Extend the Duration and Enhance the Effect
🔹Prevent Birds, Monkeys, Boars, Flying Squirrels and ete.
1.Dilute it 500-800 times with water and spray on the blade, branch, and trunk.
2.Modify spray times depending on the actual situation.
3.Bottle 30cc and hang on the farm One bottle per square meter.
🔹Shake well before use.
🔹Please try it out first for fear of inapplicability on irritable plant.
🔹Can be blended with various pesticides, but not to be blended with strong alkalis.
🔹Suggestions: spray again after the rains.