RHIZONE® Root Establishment and Drought Resistant - JHBiotech - ICM Alliance

Recommended by ICM Agriculture Alliance

Rhizone is a root establishment product that encourages transplanted crops to flourish. Rhizone contains hydrolyzed soy proteins, natural growth promoters, and amino acids. Soil's natural microorganisms will convert these ingredients to growth stimulating factors.

Rhizone stimulates plants to utilize their natural reserves better and grow to their full strength by establishing vigorous root development and setting the foundation for higher yields at early stages of growth.

Rhizone is a great source of tryptophan-containing proteins, IAA precursors. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is essential for the growth and development of plants. Amino acids in Rhizone function with natural hormones and vitamins to enhance cell differentiation and enlargement. They act as activators for plant metabolism to result in better rooting, growth, and endurance of drought stress. Rhizone ensures plant growth and increases yields by providing available nutrients to plants.

✔ Enhances rooting and plant growth
✔ Increases seedling survival rate
✔ Improves yields and nutritional value of crops
✔ Enhances drought stress tolerance

Key Features

Contains precursors of plant growth stimulant factors derived from vegetable proteins, amino acids, and potassium sulfate
Recommended by ICM Agriculture Alliance

Application types: Seed application, root dipping, and sub-surface and drip irrigation

Product Profile
Form: Liquid
Function: Soil and root dip growth promoter
Compatibility: Compatible with all transplant crops
Shelf Life: Cool, shaded areas, up to 3 years

Preventive Agriculture website: https://prvag.pse.is/agriweekwebite
JH Biotech website: https://jhb.pse.is/agriweekenweb