新 logo 彈跳廣告_工作區域 1-04


Pesticide reduction materials: ACTIVE INGREDIENT
D-Limonene................................. 12.0%
Other ingredients .................................88.0%
Limonene is a biopesticide using orange 12.0% oil. It physically desiccates the cuticles of
soft-bodied insects like whiteflies, thrips, and leafhoppers, and disrupts the cellular walls or phospholipid bilayers of fungal diseases.
* Contains plant-based essential oils,dissolving insect epidermal wax to
 repel insects.
* Promotes leaf drying and reduces spore germination, combating pathogens like powdery mildew.
* No pesticides or heavy metals.
* Natural, biodegradable ingredients,environmentally friendly, beneficial for
 soil with good spreading and penetration.

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