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Shelf Quality Stabilization Technology of Taiwan Pineapple Exported to Japan

Pineapple 'Tainung No. 17' follows the export quality standards and implements quality control process, and cold chain through the whole chain of production and marketing supply, the internal browning damage ratio is significantly reduced from 40% to nearly 0%, thereby stabilizing the quality of products on the shelf.
Pineapple 'Tainung 17' from Taiwan is known for its superior flavor. However, this variety is susceptible to chilling during storage and transportation when exported, therefore, huge losses usually caused by improper postharvest treatments. By establishing quality standards and control processes, introducing forced-air cooling technology, and using the gradual cooling strategy throughout the supply chain, along with balanced of supply and demand, the overall shelf quality has been improved, which has been highly recognized by Japan importers and distributors.

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