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1. Application for Participation

  1. By signing related application forms, participant agrees to follow all existing Regulations and further Regulations that might be made to modify them.
  2.  Once signed and submitted by the Applicant and confirmed by the Show Management, the contract will be established and come into effect.

2. Booth-Space Selection Criteria

  1. The selection order will be based on the size of the booth, payment and application time. If the company has more booths, the order of selection will be higher.

3. Payment Schedule

  1. Space rental fee is due after booth allocation. A debit note will be sent to the applicant. In the event of cancellation, payment will not be refunded under any circumstances.

4. Cancellation Policy

  1. If the exhibitor withdraws from the exhibition voluntarily after signing the contract and six months before the exhibition, he must bear 50% of the booth cost as liquidated damages.
  2. Cancellation withdrawn less than 6 months before the show applicants must pay the full payment.

5, Adherence to Copyright Patent Laws

  1.  It is strictly for bidden to display logos, licenses, or patented items registered by other companies.
  2. Violations will result in immediate removal of displays, with one year’s suspension from exhibiting at our show. Exhibitors bear the responsibility for all penalties without recourse or indemnity.

6. Space assignment & Unoccupied Space

  1. Show Management will determine the number and location of booths assigned to each Exhibitor in the manner Show Management deems appropriate.
  2. Show Management reserves the right, should any Exhibitors' space remain unoccupied on the opening day without reasonable cause, to assign the said space to another exhibitor, or use the said space in any other manner deemed suitable.

7. Sub-letting of Space

  1. Exhibitor shall not assign, sub-let or apportion the whole or any part of assigned space.

8. Venue & Show Dates Change

  1. The Show Management reserves the right to change the venue and date of the Exhibition under certain circumstances. In the event of change of venue and/or date, or cancellation of the Exhibition, Exhibitors shall not be entitled to any claim for compensation.

9. Construction/Decoration of Stand and Removal of Exhibits from Hall

  1. All exhibitors must comply with all regulations in the Exhibition Manual and complete their construction and/or decoration by the date and time stipulated by the date and time stipulated by the Show Management.
  2. Exhibitors must remove all exhibits from the Exhibition Hall within the move-out period stipulated by Show Management. The Exhibitor will be held responsible for any loss or damage to the Exhibition Hall due to delayed removal.

10. Insurance

  1. In addition to insurance for exhibits in transit between the port of shipment and the fair site, exhibitors are advised to also take out adequate insurance (fire, theft, water, accident, natural disasters and third-party liability, etc.) for exhibits during the exhibition (including build-up and dismantling periods).
  2. Exhibitors are advised to hire their own security guards, for valuable exhibits during the exhibition (including build-up and dismantling periods).

11. Exhibit Limitations 

  1. Exhibitors are not permitted to erect booth partitions of over 250 cm in height.
  2. Advertising materials such as signs, posters and other advertising decorations can be extended to a height of 400 cm. Fixtures or signs that are affixed above the main (2.5 m) structure should be recessed at least 50 cm from the side edge of the lower structure between booths.
  3. Any signs or decoration higher than 250 cm in full view must be decorated.

12. Selling from Stand

  1. The sale of exhibited goods on the spot and the soliciting of customers outside stands are strictly forbidden.

13. Breach of contract and Withdrawal by Exhibitor

  1. In case of the Exhibitor's refusing the use of whole or a part of the space reserved and allocated or in case of exhibitor default in payment by the stipulated date, the Show Management has the right to terminate the contract forthwith and the part of rental already paid shall not be refunded.
  2. In case of Exhibitor withdrawing from participation, rental already paid by the Exhibitor shall not be refunded.

14. Security & Organizer's Liability

  1. The Show Management will provide personnel for maintaining order during the show period. Responsibility for guarding stands during the build-up, exhibition hours and dismantling period, shall rest with the exhibitors concerned.
  2. During booth erection and dismantling periods and during the show, booths must be staffed by exhibitors at all times.
  3. The Show Management shall not be held accountable or liable for any damage, loss, harm, or injury to any person or the property of the Exhibitor or of the exhibitor’s officers, and / or employees, agents, and visitors which result from theft, water, fire, flood, natural disasters, or any other cause.
  4. Exhibitors should comply with fire control regulations. If any fire occurs due to the improper installation of decorations, construction or use of electric appliances, the exhibitor will be legally responsible for any loss or damage, and pay penalties of up to NT$100,000 to show management) All exhibitors are requested to turn off the power supply before leaving their exhibition booths. Unless otherwise agreed, the Show Management will disconnect the main power supply at 6:15 p.m. each day.

15. Operation

  1. The Exhibitor shall keep his booth(s) staffed at all times during show hours.
  2. he Show Management reserves the right to restrict exhibits to a minimum noise level. Sound volume from booths must not exceed 85 DB.
  3. The Show Management reserves the right to reject exhibits or to stop the exhibition on the exhibitor's account, if he fails to lower the noise level or to resolve matters regarding contamination such as dust, smog, unpleasant odors, the emission of stimulating gases, volatile organic chemicals, or other pollutants.

16. Interruptions and / or Disruptions of the Exhibition

  1. Exhibitors shall not cause interruptions and/or disruptions of the exhibition, which result in the protest or commotion at their booth(s), either inside or outside the showground, during the exhibition or during move-in and move- out. If and when such interruptions and/or disruptions influence the order of the exhibition or public image of the Show, and the exhibitor involved or those concerned are unable to deal effectively with such issues, the exhibitor understands and agrees that the Management can terminate the exhibition agreement and immediately shut down the booth(s) without compensation or liability. The exhibitor shall be required to indemnify the Management against any and all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses arising from such interruptions and/or disruptions thereof.

17.  Supplementary Clauses

  1. Whenever necessary, the Show Management shall have the right to issue supplementary regulations in addition to those indicated in the Terms and Regulations for Participation to ensure the smooth management of the Exhibition.
  2. Any additional written regulations shall form part of the Terms and Regulations for Participation and shall be binding on exhibitors.
  3. In the event of any occurrences not foreseen in this manual, the decision of the organizer shall be final.


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