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Taiwanese Manufactures use Photoelectric Buoys and Waste Fishing Net to contribute to Environmental Awareness
Currently, Aquaculture production will be exceeding wild fishing, although the limited vacancy of land due to natural and human destruction coupled with fresh water shortage. The trend of land aquaculture has become a trend and pioneered the emerge of "Marine Ranching" and "Aquaculture Net". Building a "marine granary" near the sea will be the main option for this industry, as it will reduce wild fishing, allowing various fish species to grow at ease, and reducing carbon footprint, Furthermore, it can reduce costs and improve efficiency, making it the best production mode.
Disinfection and Pest Control : Creating a high-quality environment for healty growth of livestock and poultry
Intensive breeding of livestock and poultry in Taiwan results in the rise of humidity and temperature in farms, which lead to various diseases in animals such as avian, influenza, and dysentery. To ensure the healthy growth of livestock and poultry, environmental disinfection and pest control are implemented to cease the spread of viruses and pests that can cause epidemics and huge loses to farmers.
Starting aquaculture in Taiwan could have lots of obstacles, creating high-density aquaculture could lead to cross-contamination disease between fish and shrimp, and using chemical agents to treat shrimp and fish could also lead to water pollution and increase the death rate of the shoal, forming a vicious cycle.
Since the traditional fishing lights need waterproof structures to protect their internal lighting, they usually are heavy, expensive, and non-durable. Additionally, the traditional ones mainly use incandescent light as their light source so that it would face the problems of high energy consumption, high brightness attenuation and high damage rate. And the power generation cost may be as high as 50% of the entire ship’s oil cost.
The so-called “aquaculture net” refers to a method by using a fixed purse seiner in a specific range of seawater to raise many aquatic animals. This method has some advantages, such as not occupying land and water resources and having high productivity per water unit.
Agricultural products pre-cooling refers to removing field heat and accumulated respiratory heat from agricultural products before transporting, refrigerating or processing so that the crops can cool down quickly. Pre-cooling should be completed within a few minutes or hours after harvesting to keep the freshness in time.